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St Marys Primary School Sloane Crescent, Killyleagh, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

28th Feb 2023
Today our P6/P7 pupils took part in an online maths lesson from Izak9. There were...
27th Feb 2023
This week we have been learning all about our bodies. We explored the skeleton and...
26th Feb 2023
Click on the link to view Weekly Update for 24/02/23
21st Feb 2023
We had great fun in Primary One and Two decorating our pancakes and eating them...
21st Feb 2023
We had a busy month in January! Coming back to school after Christmas we began our...
20th Feb 2023
We have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Today working...
11th Feb 2023
On Wednesday the primary 7 children attended the Bee Safe event in Downpatrick....
10th Feb 2023
Today the children read and followed a recipe to make some cupcakes. Each group...
10th Feb 2023
Click on the link to view the Weekly Update 22
10th Feb 2023
As part of children’s mental health week the children in P6/P7 engaged in...